Working Together – Body of Christ

There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.
~Ephesians 4:4-6

As I look forward this month, I am so excited for the upcoming Martin Luther King Jr. Day worship service. The official “pastor group” for our area is the Kelso-Longview Ministerial Association, and this is the group putting together this event. Together we will represent churches and leaders from Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Disciples of Christ, Nazarene, Baptist, House of Prayer for All Nations, International House of Prayer, Nondenominational, Interdenominational, and even more churches and denominations.

And honestly, that’s pretty cool.

Working together is not something that us Christians always do well. Even in our own denomination, there are vast arrays of beliefs and opinions.

But when we can come together for events like this, we can be reminded of God’s call to God’s church.

Working Together

That there is unity in our diversity.

And that we are all part of one body, one Spirit. Because together we profess one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God. We have more in common than we might think.

And so on Sunday January 14th, the day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we plan to come together.

Because the truth is, caring for each other in this world will take more than one church, and more than one denomination. It will take all of us Christians gathering together in worship, in service, and in love.

So that we might seek God’s justice, and dream with each other for a future where all of God’s children are seen and valued in our world.

And on a day that recognizes and commemorates a man who worked for equality, justice, and our world’s future, we too can gather for worship as members of this diverse Body of Christ.

What are some ways members of other churches have gifted you? How might you love your neighbor of different faith traditions? Where might you work together with someone you differ from in your life today?

Pastor Megan Filer

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