Are you listening? – Hearing God’s Voice

We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life
~ 1 John 1:1

I have never heard the voice of God.

Well, at least not in the biblical sense.

And by biblical sense in this context, I mean that the skies have never opened up and a voice has never come down, I mean I have not had a dream where God gave me a vision of what was to come, when I say that I have never heard the voice of God in a biblical way, I mean that of all the different ways God speaks to people in the bible, I don’t know if any of them have been even close to something I have experienced.

And that’s okay.

Because the truth is, God doesn’t need us defining the ways in which God can speak. God can speak to us however God chooses – and sometimes God chooses to speak more quietly.

So like the writer of 1 John, I declare to you what I have heard, what I have seen with my eyes, what I have looked at and touched with my hands concerning the word of life – that is concerning Jesus. And what have I heard, seen, or touched?

Nothing that I can hear, see, or touch.

But rather I have experienced God’s voice in the voice of a child asking to say the Lord’s Prayer after a lesson on Communion. I have experienced God’s voice on a hospital floor with a man in tears. I have experienced God’s voice in the silence, in the peace that comes to me without my doing.

Some people hear God in the voices of others, some see God at work in situations throughout their lives, and still we have the list of ways God is speaking throughout the bible. More than anything – God is speaking, and whatever way God might be speaking to you, I wonder – are you listening?

Pastor Megan Filer
Pastor Megan Filer

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