Tag: celebration

  • Theology of Play

    Theology of Play

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    As this post is published, I am currently at the Theology of Play conference in Portland. As a nerdy pastor, (see our “Choose Your Own Adventure Confirmation Program“) I was so excited to see a conference geared towards faith formation and play! […]

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  • Celebrating Creation: Created to be Creative – Part 2

    Celebrating Creation: Created to be Creative – Part 2

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    I’ve been celebrating this week. Through these fall months, I’ve been taking an online continuing education course titled “Created to be Creative.” (Read Part 1 here) This most recent session we read through Psalm 19 and discussed how both the psalmist and […]

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  • Ordination-versary!

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    As I write this, I’m getting ready for my vacation at the end of August. So I’m trying my best to get everything done that I can, which includes scheduling social media posts. I didn’t realize quite how emotional I’d be as […]

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  • Remembering & Making time – All Saints Sunday

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    Brothers, we ant you to know bout those who have died. We do not want you to be sad as others who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and that he rose again. So, because of Jesus, God will bring […]

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  • Not My First Mother’s Day

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    The Lord dealt with Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as he had promised. Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the time of which God had spoken to him. Genesis 21:1-2 […]

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  • Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

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    He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. ~Matthew 28:6 I am so sad that I am not at Bethany this week. I mean, I’m writing this weeks ahead of time, […]

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  • The Feast of St Valentine – Or Something

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    Happy Valentine’s Day! Or depending on when you’re reading this post, if you’re reading it after Valentine’s Day, then I hope you had a wonderful day whether or not you were celebrating. And in all honesty, I know many of us don’t […]

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