Tag: self-care

  • Theology of Play

    Theology of Play

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    As this post is published, I am currently at the Theology of Play conference in Portland. As a nerdy pastor, (see our “Choose Your Own Adventure Confirmation Program“) I was so excited to see a conference geared towards faith formation and play! […]

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  • Chronic Pain, Care, & God

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    People are often surprised when I share that I live with chronic pain. I am often bubbly, energetic, and always moving. I’m also young, “too young” for the kind of chronic pain I’ve lived with for most of my life. But due […]

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  • Needed Reminders: Taking Care

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    “How are you taking care of yourself right now?” ~Pastor Megan Filer, all the time This is a phrase that, if you have spent much time with me at all, you have heard me say A LOT. How are you taking care […]

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  • Pastor on Retreat – Keeping the Sabbath

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    Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,  but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. ~Exodus 20:8-9 You would think as a pastor I would be really […]

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