For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
~ 1 Timothy 6:7
My husband and I have spent the last few weeks unpacking all of our belongings into our new apartment. I was so excited when we first signed the lease – for the last year while I was on internship the majority of our belongings were in storage in Washington. A truckload of items stored away in boxes.
But now as we unpack these boxes, I keep wondering to myself – Where did all of this stuff come from?
I remember throwing out so much when we packed for storage, but there still seems to be endless moments of “What was this?” “Did I ever fit in to this?” “Oh no, no that’s definitely garbage.”
The author of 1 Timothy reminds us that when we were born, when we were brought into this world, we didn’t have things, we didn’t have stuff. And it’s a good reminder for me as I continue to unpack boxes, that we can’t take anything out of this world, so what is really important?
But even more than just things, 1 Timothy reminds us that when we’re born, we don’t have anything, we don’t have guilt or shame, we don’t have regret. And when thinking about things that way – that we don’t come in to this world with anything, I wonder if we can leave this world without regret.
What are things you are holding on to? What might you be able to let go of today?
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