God is Good – Vacation Bible School Prep

God is good. So good. Very good. As I prepared for this year’s vacation bible school at our church, I kept saying these words to myself. When this blog post is uploaded we will be in the midst of our VBS week. But for right now, as I’m writing, we are still in preparations.

And God is good. Preparing for Vacation Bible School can be stressful for our youth team. We don’t always know how many of the kids who registered will actually show up. We’re not sure how each day will go. And for me, I never know how much re-writing or re-working the curriculum I’m going to have to do.

For the last few years that we’ve been putting on VBS at our church, we’ve used curriculum from several different publishing houses all with their own unique flavor. That flavor is sometimes theologically doesn’t work for us. It’s a trade off. Our team has already decided that next year we likely will use the ELCA World Hunger’s curriculum, as they are increasingly getting better in their creation.

But God is good. Even with some of the extra work in preparing, as I worked through the worship, lessons, and games, I found myself saying over and over again the main point of this year’s VBS. God is good. Through all the stuff in life, through scary times, through changes, through sadness and heartbreak, God is always good.

And God is.

This last year has been a lot for me personally. I just recently experienced the scariness of sharing my story and being authentic with my church. Through this whole year we’ve been experiencing the life changes of having our sweet infant daughter growing into a (still sweet) toddler. And I’m an still walking through the journey of grief and heartbreak after my dad’s passing last fall. And through all of it? God is good.

Not that everything went perfectly or that every prayer was answered, but that God’s goodness never left me. In moments of fear and worry, God was there with caring and encouraging words through friends and family. In the quickly changing chaos in a home with a toddler, God helped me to experience moments of pure joy and pride and excitement with my little family. And when I was most heartbroken, when I felt most alone, God’s presence of peace and comfort was never far away.

And so as I prepare for Vacation Bible School with our kiddos. As I get ready for games and lessons and fun, I’m giving thanks over and over again. Because through it all – God is so very, very good.

How have you experienced God’s goodness in your life? What are ways you might give thanks for God?

Pastor Megan Filer

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