As many of you already know, my family and I have been taking our time healing and processing our grief. Many of you also probably already know that grieving often tempers creativity. What better way to share, to ponder, and to celebrate creativity than a blog series like this one. “What Are You…” explores finishing that sentence. Through this series I’ll be finishing those sentences with …singing…listening to…and reading, getting to share some of my favorite hymns, songs, music, bible stories, and authors.
What Are You Singing? Contemporary songs!
I love both hymns and contemporary worship music. Each genre brings a different feeling to worship. For me, “contemporary” songs often find words that best describe what I’m needing in that moment. I don’t always get the notes right, but the words, like they do in many hymns, speak truth to my heart.
What a Beautiful Name
Sometimes in worship we only sing the chorus of this song, sometimes together we sing the full lyrics. Lyrics that remind me of Christ’s love, and creates a space of praise and joy.
Who Am I
During my chaplain residency, the first worship I ever led on my own was at the women’s prison. I was told to let the ladies choose the music as we went, they had a CD of contemporary Christian music. This was the first song they chose. I had to hold back tears thinking about how God loves us not because of who we are, but because of who Jesus is. Since then whenever I’ve gotten to sing this song in worship, I can’t help but remember those women, and give thanks that God sees me and calls me to sing, “I am yours”.
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. Well it’s true, I could. This song lifts my heart during worship and brings me such joy and praise for God’s love in our lives.
10,000 Reasons
This has always been one of my favorites since the first time I sang it as part of a congregation. As we’ve begun our new Wednesday night worship, I’ve been so grateful that for the last few months this song has opened our evenings. For me it helps to set the mood of worship, of God’s goodness, and of the hope we have as we sing together.
Your Grace is Enough
Your Grace is Enough. It is!
Honorable Mentions
God of Wonders, Name Above All Names, They’ll Know We Are Christians, You Are My All in All, The Hurt and the Healer
What are you singing? What are some of your favorite songs? Comment below!
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